Volkswagen Group Rus

Volkswagen Group Rus brings together the work of the seven brands of the Volkswagen Group that are available on the Russian market — Volkswagen, Audi, ŠKODA, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ducati and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
Project Implementation
In 2019, Cinimex successfully deployed a central service bus in VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus based on Apache Kafka.
The team also implemented PKI infrastructure and private data storage based on Hashicorp Vault.
The new system ensures secure communication between enterprise systems and mutual authentication (mTLS).
The project featured the innovative concept of short-lived certificates, with fully automated lifecycle management.
Within another IdP project for VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus, Cinimex developers added new features to better UX, and connected new systems, including a migration of over 70,000 users of one of the concern’s brands, among other.