Cinimex Strengthens its Position in the Tax Monitoring Ranking of IT Integrators

Analysts compared the competencies and experience of companies represented on the Russian market. The comparison of suppliers was carried out using a unique methodology developed by Market.CNews and taking into account the following criteria: year of foundation, company profile, main types of work, types of work performed, competencies for implementing solutions, completed projects, proficiency level.
Tax monitoring is a new digital option for large businesses reporting to the Russian tax authorities, which implies increased transparency and ease of interaction with the Federal Tax Service.
According to Market.CNews, pilot projects on tax monitoring in Russia started back in 2015. Since then, this form of reporting has become mandatory for the largest businesses. Over time, more and more companies are involved, as the participation requirements are scaled down annually. It is expected that tax monitoring will eventually become mandatory for most companies in the Russian Federation.
The full 2024 tax monitoring ranking of IT integrators can be viewed here.