Cinimex At TAdviser SummIT

The session “IT in the industrial sector” was dedicated to the new level of “Industry 4.0” concept, and namely, new applications such as robotics, additive manufacturing, industrial Internet, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Kirill Dubovikov’s presentation at the summit was entitled: “MLOps – why ML projects need their own infrastructure”. Kirill spoke about a new class of problems that can be addressed by putting ML services into production and presented some of the company’s business cases.
Summit participants had a chance to take a closer look at the technology at Cinimex’s stand, where company team demonstrated End-to-End machine learning pipeline, which complies with MLOps principles, and replied to questions from the audience.
Other main topics of TAdviser SummIT dealt with how the largest Russian companies enhance their business efficiency, customers’ practical experience with infrastructure and business applications; and new opportunities and security.